Whether you’re just starting your journey or have practiced for years, you’ll feel comfortable in our community.
We work hard to make our classes inclusive & accessible.
We get it. Coming to yoga for the first time can be a little intimidating.
In every class we offer verbal cues to help you find each pose, modifications to make the poses accessible, and props to support your body. We’ll give you tools to harness your breath and settle your mind.
Sure, your first class might be a little challenging. Starting anything new often is. But we’ll be there to support you, and even after one class you’ll feel positive changes in your body and mind.
Once you’ve established a regular practice, the benefits of connecting to your self will permeate your day-to-day life, you’ll have made beautiful connections within our community, and you won’t believe just how much this practice has improved your life.
If you’re ready to make yoga a part of your life, view our class schedule and come along to one of our classes suitable for beginners.
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